MMK Life Saver Bar

MMK Life Saver Bar 2011

Jetzt war ich auch mal bei dieser MMK Life Saver Bar. Ganz harmlose Angelegenheit. Da stehen die im Foyer herum und trinken Bier zu leicht überhöhten Preisen (3€) während die Musik wummert. Viel junges Volk da, hübsche Mädchen, so It-Girls, nicht wahr?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

you're warmly invited to drop by at MMK After Work and visit our Live Safer Bar at Museum für Moderne Kunst this Wednesday.
We're going to celebrate Susanne bringing home the "Goldener Löwe" from Venice. Geri plays her "We Are The Champions" set for her and Live Safer veterans serve cold beverages at the Bar. In addition to that and highly recommendet: Downtown Cinema in the "Vortragssaal" hosted by the infamous Marc Siegel presenting Underground-film Rarities during the night. He shows 16 mm Movies from Marie Menken, Ron Rice, Jack Smith and Valie Export.
Further on you can allready preview some works from the upcoming "Jubiläumsausstellung" within guided tours or on your own. Well Well!

Sincerely yours Ramona

Ich hatte gedacht, das Museum brächte den Menschen seine Ideologie auf grausamere Weise bei. Leben vorerst gerettet.