Frankfurt Map
Diese Karte entstand im Zusammenhang des Seminars und der Dritten Nachttanzdemo 1997.
Sie wurde erstmals während der "Martin Show" in der Commercial Gallery, London, ausgestellt.
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A full functional outdoor swimming pool for just one summer. Again the work of Dirk Paschke (and Daniel Milohnic). His next major contribution since Gartners and the Hafenbar (situated on the same venue). As the place belongs to the sculpture departement of the local artschool (Städelschule), Dirk Paschke was able to use it while being a student there. The swimming pool, actually a sculpture, turned out to become very popular; maybe one reason that the artschool administration turned down its operation after one summer on reasons of improper insurance.
The place itself may still exist.
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Artspaces and projects 1995
The golden year of Off-Spaces
After humble beginnings with projects like Muttertag and Gartners, there was suddenly a burst of activities.
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