
Post-autonomous Art

Diagram Postautonomous Art Triangle Subject Object Process

Post-autonomous art describes a mode of making art at a time when the artist's presumed autonomy has become rather problematic. A post-autonomous mode of production is no longer concerned with creating singular works of art attributable to a particular artist or author. Instead, a post-autonomous art practice employs a collaborative or dialogical mode of production, for example, via face-to-face or online dialogues, conversations or events, wikis, salons, bulletin boards, chat rooms, or collaborative visual editing environments.

Poster 10 Jahre The Thing

Poster 10 Jahre The Thing in Frankfurt. Oktober 2002

Poster 10 Jahre The Thing in Frankfurt, 12.10. 2002

Terminal_Büro. Präsentations. und Infoabend

10 Jahre The Thing in Frankfurt

10 Jahre The Thing in Frankfurt Infoabend

Aus Anlaß des 10 jährigen Jubiläums der Ankunft von The Thing in Frankfurt fand am 12.10. 2002 ein Präsentations und Infoabend ("terminal_büro") im Alten Hauptzollamt statt.

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